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Port of Namdang

Port of Namdang

Port of Namdang

This is a large fishery of jumbo shrimps, rockfish, cockles, crabs, shrimps, etc. along the vast Cheonsuman Bay. There are many restaurants specializing in hoe (raw fish) in the area. This is the reason Namdang-ri, where the Port of Namdang is situated, is so famous. The cockle dish is especially famous in this area and it attracts a large number of foodies annually.

The glow of the sun setting behind the gentle, silvery waters is absolutely beautiful. This is also where you can see the sanctuary for migratory birds, Jukdo Island, where there are a large number of bamboo trees, and Anmyeondo Island, located far away. It hosts a jumbo shrimp festival and a cockle festival every fall.

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